THIC Meeting at the Hotel Villa, 4000 S El Camino Real, San Mateo CA 94403
Phone: +1-650-341 0966
A block of hotel rooms will be held at a reduced rate until 6 July; $82 single. Complimentary hotel shuttle is available to/from San Francisco International Airport (SFO).
For directions to the hotel, please check out the hotel's web page
NOTE: THIC can get free meeting space if we have enough attendees staying at the Hotel Villa. If you do plan to join us, please stay at the Villa hotel, and be sure to mention THIC when you make your reservation, and again when checking in. We appreciate your efforts to keep our expenses to a minimum.
Any suggested technical papers related to the theme or from recording technology manufacturers, researchers, corporations, data storage users, and government users are encouraged to contact Jim Craze, e-mail:, Dick Davis ( +1- 941-924-9899 ), e-mail:, Linda Kempster ( +1-301-918-1037 ) e-mail:, or Dr P C Hariharan (+1-410-255-1186, e-mail: to offer a paper for presentation to THIC.
See the THIC home page for details ( for examples of papers presented in past meetings.
The Board of Directors of THIC welcomes your attendance to the two-day conference. Registration will be held at the door only; $90 cash, or check (no credit cards please). This $90 fee includes lunch each day, and a no-host reception.
If you have products to display you may be interested in the THIC poster session. See the announcement, or Contact Jim Nieters of DSPCon for further information on displaying your products (+1-313-662-4900, e-mail: ).
Here is the preliminary list of speakers for July THIC meeting; this list will be updated as the agenda expands.
July 22 and 23, 1998
Emerging Technologies and Recording Media Systems
Preliminary Agenda
Wednesday, July 22, 1998
General Session: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Dr P C Hariharan, Systems Engineering and Security Inc, 7474 Greenway Center Dr, Suite 700, Greenbelt MD 20770-3523, Phone: +1-301-441-3694, FAX: +1-301-441-3697, e-mail: - "The THIC Archives" (43,851 bytes)
Michael A. Harris, Vice President Marketing, Anacomp Magnetics Solutions, Anacomp Inc., 12365 Crosthwaite Circle, Poway CA, 92064, phone: +1- 619-848-5691, fax: +1- 619-486-1266, e-mail:, web site -"Magnetics Myopia.....Why Is Magnetic Media Alive & Growing?"
Dr Ed Grochowski, IBM Almaden Research Center, Phone: +1-408-927-2043, FAX:+1-408-xxxx, e-mail: - "Storage Technologies for the year 2000 and beyond"
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM Break
Koichi Sadashige, 15 Amherst Rd, Voorhees NJ 08043-4901 ,Phone: +1-609-767-2644, Fax: +1-609-767-1462, e-mail: -"High density optical recording technology --- Beyond DVD-RAM"
Dr Gordon Knight, TeraStor Corporation, 3510 North First Street, San Jose CA 95131-1011, Phone: +1-408-324-2110, e-mail: - "Near-Field Recording: TeraStor's Mass Storage Benchmark Technology for the Next Decade" (370,854 bytes)
12:00 noon - 1:30 PM Lunch
John Lekashman, NAS Systems Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Mail Stop 258-5, Moffett Field CA 94035, Phone: +1-650-604-4359, FAX: +1-650-604-4377, e-mail: - "Building and Managing High Performance, Scalable, Commodity Mass Storage Systems"
Mike McCorkle, Fujifilm Computer Products, 555 Taxter Road, Elmsford NY 10523, Phone: +1-914-789-8548 / +1-800-755-3854 ext. 8548, Fax: +1-914-789-8530, e-mail: - "ATOMM Technology, Its Application and Future for High Capability Tape and Flexible Disk Storage Media" (1,019,350 bytes)
James M Nieters, DSPCon Inc, 380 Foothill Rd, Bridgewater NJ 08807, Phone: +1-908-722-5656, FAX: +1-908-522-3259, e-mail: - "Graphic Interfaces for High and Low Channel Count DATAQ and Recorder Systems"(438,272 bytes)
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Break
Robert R. Duncan, Senior Project Engineer, Panasonic Industrial Company, Two Panasonic Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094, Phone: +1-201-271-3300, FAX: +1-201-384-7187, e-mail: - " DVD-RAM,The Rewritable High-Capacity Storage Technology for Today, Tomorrow" (369,901 bytes)
Dr Alain Queau, 1 rue Nieuport B.P.54, 78141 Vélizy - Villacoublay, FRANCE, phone: +33-1-3070-3025, Fax: +33-1-3070-3080, email: - "Hard Disk System" (90,852 bytes)
Thursday, July 23, 1998
General Session 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Tim Bratton, MultiDisc Technologies, Inc., 20700 Ventura Blvd., Suite 134, Woodland Hills CA 91364-2357, Phone: +1-650-949-3867/+1-650-948-0907, FAX: +1-408-461-1432 , e-mail: - "A New Approach to Network Servers: Bridging the Gap Between Tape and Disc" (2,209,429 bytes)
Carl Wales, Alaska SAR Facility, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, PO Box 757320, 903 Koyukuk Drive, FAIRBANKS AL 99775-7320, Phone: +1- 907-474-7848, Fax: +1- 907-474-5567, e-mail: - " The Reality of a Development Climate in a Data Center" (57,525 bytes)
Mark C Ferelli, 420 North Camden Drive, Beverly Hills CA 90210, phone: +1-310-276-9500 x20; FAX: +1-310-246-1405, E-mail: - "LINEAR TAPE OPEN: THE STANDARD TO END ALL STANDARDS?" (132,407 bytes)
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM Break
John M. Drollinger, Philips Laser Magnetic Storage, 4425 ArrowsWest Drive, Colorado Springs CO 80907, Phone: +1-719-593-4077, Fax: +1-719-593-4597, e-mail: - "Backward Compatibility: Protecting the Past with Future Technology." (75,677 bytes)
Mark Dudick, Senior Product Manager, Verbatim Corporation, 1200 W.T. Harris Boulevard, Charlotte NC 28262, Phone: +1-704-547-6548, FAX: +1-704-547-6814, e-mail: - "Examine Your Strategy, Weigh Your Options In Choosing Removable Storage " (364,025 bytes)
12:00 noon - 1:30 PM Lunch
James A. Goins, Imation Corp., 1 Imation Place, Discovery-2A-33, Oakdale MN 55128-3414, Phone: +1-612-704-3130, Fax: +1-612-704-3200, e-Mail: -"SuperDisk Technology - Protect Your Data" (1,132,761 bytes)
Gary Rexroat, Ampex Data Systems Corporation, 550 Broadway, MS 2207, Redwood City CA 94063, Phone: +1-650-367-3664, e-mail: - "Fast Data Access and Restore in a multi-terabyte database"
A Watanabe, Metrum-Datatape Inc, 605 E Huntington Ave, Monrovia CA 91017, phone: +1-626-358-9500; fax: +1-626-358-9100, e-mail: "A Replacement for Longitudinal Recorders" (53,248 bytes)