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THIC – Boulder CO June 11 - 12, 2002


THEME: Towards Petabyte Archives



Tuesday June 11


7:30-8:15          Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:15-8:30          Welcome - Al Kellie, Director Scientific Computing Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research

8:30-8:45          Administrative Announcements

8:30-8:45          P C Hariharan, Vice Chairman, THIC, Inc., 7474 Greenway Center Dr, Suite 700, Greenbelt MD 20770-3523, Phone:+1-410-255-1186, Fax:+1-301-441-3697,  E-mail:  - "THIC Archives" (113128 bytes)

8:45-9:15          William L. Wilson, InPhase Technologies, 2000 Pike Road, LongmontCO  80501, Phone:+1-720-494-7429, Fax:+1-720-494-9606, Mobile:+1-720-841-7831, E-mail: - “High Performance Via Volume Holograpy” (705763 bytes)

9:15-9:45          Bob Raymond, STK, 1 StorageTek Dr., Louisville CO 80028-2129, Phone:+1-303-673-4201, - “2002 NSIC Tape Roadmap” (638359 bytes)

9:45-10:15        Ken Samarra, LOTS Technology Inc., 1751 South Fordham St, Ste 100, Longmont CO 80503, Phone:+1-720-652-4527, Fax:+1-303-651-6373,  - “LaserTape - the Future of Storage” (4599086 bytes)

10:15-10:35      Break

10:35-11:05      Mike McCorkle, Fuji Photo Film U.S.A. Inc., 2629 Sunnyside Circle, Palm HarborFL  34684-4160, Phone:+1-800-736-3600 ext. 1281, Fax:+1-727-773-2801,  - “Fuji film Nano Cube Coating Technology” (1252645 bytes)

11:05-11:35      Richard Dee, StorageTek, 1 StorageTek Dr, Louisville CO 80028-2129, Phone:+1-303-673-3976, Fax:+1-303-673-8406,  - “The Challenges of Magnetic Recording on Tape for Terabyte Cartridges” (379993 bytes)

11:35-12:05      John Moreland, NIST, 325 Broadway, BoulderCO80305, Phone: +1-303-497-3641, - “Micromechanical Instruments for Ferromagnetic Measurements” (824837 bytes)

12:05-1:00        Lunch

1:00-2:00          NCAR Visualization Lab Tour- Limited to 40

2:00-2:30          J. Robert (Bob) Cope, 4304 County Road 31, Atwood CO 80722, Phone:+1-970-522-2706, Fax:+1-775-244-9014,  - “Method to Mechanically Filter Out Longitudinal Tension Spikes Induced in a Flexible Media Tape Unit” (788188 bytes) (in association with Mountain Engineering Inc)

2:30-3:00          Andrew E Richards, Plasmon Inc, 400 Inverness Drive S. Ste 310, EnglewoodCO80112-5824, Phone:+1-720-873-2503, Fax: =1-720-873-2501, Mobile:+1-303-910-3088, - “Optical Automation Archive Storage” (3184441 bytes)

3:00-3:30          Break

3:30-4:00          J. Robert (Bob) Cope, 4304 County Road 31, Atwood CO 80722, Phone:+1-970-522-2706, Fax:+1-775-244-9014, E-mail:    - “Bi-directional Magnetic Read/Write Recording Head surface Countour with Plurality of Bernoulli Pocket Cavities for Generating Very Low Media-to-Head Separations” (479103 bytes) (in association with JRConsulting)

4:0 0                 Wrap up

5:30-7:30          Reception for THIC attendees at the Boulder Marriott, 2660 Canyon Boulevard, Boulder CO 80302


Wednesday June 12


7:30-8:30          Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:30-8:45          Welcome ∓mp;mp; Announcements

8:45-9:15          Dr. Seiichi Onodera, Sony Corporation, Sendai TEC, 3-4-1Sakuragi, Tagajo-shi, Miyagi-ken 985-0842 Japan, Phone:+81-22-367-2460, Fax:+81-22-367-2589, - “ME Tape Technology: Achieving 1 TB/Cartridge and Beyond” (1951795 bytes)

9:15-9:45          Rod Roderique, DoD, Phone:+1-301-688-9977, - “Data Proliferation, STOP THAT” (514507 bytes)

9:45-10:15        Donald L Petravick, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, PO Box 500, BataviaIL60510-0500, Phone:+1-630-840-3935, Fax:+1-630-840-2783, - “Storage and Data Movement at Fermi National Accelerator Lab” (759498 bytes)

10:15-10:45      Break

10:45-11:15      Mike Holland, Grau Data Storage Inc, 609 South Taylor St, Ste E, Louisville CO 80027, Phone:+1-303-664-0060, Fax:+1-303-664-1680, Mobile:+1-303-910-3088, - “Overcoming Obstacles to Petabyte Archives” (337995 bytes)

11:15-11:45      Gene Harano, NCAR, 1850 Table Mesa Drive, BoulderCO80305-5602, Phone:+1-303-497-1203, Fax:+1-303-497-1848, E-mail: - “The NCAR MSS – Evolution of a Almost Petabyte Archive” (585674 bytes)

11:45-1:00        Lunch

1:00-1:30          Tom Burke, Calimetrics Inc, 815 Atlantic Ave, Suite 105, AlamedaCA94501-2274, Phone:+1-510-864-4100 x106, Fax:+1-510-864-4188, - “MLTM Technology: the Future of Optical Disc Recording” (3040036 bytes)


1:30-2:00          Drive to Storage Tek

2:00-3:30          Storage Tek Gold Lab Tour Virtualization Demonstration

3:30                  Depart